![](http://www.uuuucn.com/uploadfile/2018/1127/20181127104245464.png) |
姓 名: |
李彦鹏 |
职 称: |
教授 硕士/博士生导师 |
出生年月: |
1973年1月 |
李彦鹏,男,1973年1月生,博士,长安大学教授,硕博导师。兼任陕西省环境损害司法鉴定机构评审专家;陕西省大气污染防止专家委员会委员。发表学术论文二十余篇;取得的专利6项;2017年4月,被聘为陕西省环境损害司法鉴定机构评审专家, 2018年7月,被聘为陕西省大气污染防治专家委员会委员。
[1]Yanpeng Li*,Liwei Yang,Tingting Zhu, Jingjing Yang, Xiaodong Ruan. Biosurfactants as alternatives to chemosynthetic surfactants in controlling bubble in the flotation process, Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2013, 16:409-419.
[2]Yanpeng Li*, Liwei Yang, Qinglong Meng, Xionghui Qiu, Yujie Feng. Emission Characteristics of Microbial Aerosols in a Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant in Xi’an, China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2013, 13(1): 343-349.
[3]Yanpeng Li*, Haifeng Zhang, Xionghui Qiu, Yanru Zhang. Dispersion and risk assessment of bacterial aerosols emitted from rotating-brush aerator during summer in a wastewater treatment plant. Aerosol Air Quality Research, 2013, 13(6):1807-1814.
[4]Liwei Yang, Yue Zhao, Jingjing Yang, Yanpeng Li*, Qinglong Meng. Visualized study on the interaction between bubbles and curved solid surface in flotation separation process. Water Science and Technology, 2014, 70(4): 627-633.
[5]Yue Zhao, Yanpeng Li*, Jia Huang, Jun Liu, Wenke Wang. Rebound and attachment involving single bubble and particle in the separation of plastics by froth flotation. Separation and Purification Technology, 2015, 144:123-132.
[6]Yanpeng Li*, Wei Wang, Xiao Guo, Tinglu Wang, Wenke Wang. Assessment of airborne bacteria and fungi in various university indoor environments. Environmental Engineering Science,2015, 32: 273-283.
[7]Yanpeng Li*, Xiao Guo, Tinglu Wang, Yue Zhao, Haifeng Zhang, Wenke Wang. Characteristics of atmospheric small ions and their application to assessment of air quality in a typical semi-arid city of northwest China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research,2015, 15: 965-874.
[8]Qinglong Meng, Yanpeng Li*, Dynamic mesh-based analysis of dynamic irradiance characteristics of solar simulator. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics,2015, 126(23): 4658-4664.
[9]Yanpeng Li*, Honglei Fu, Wei Wang, Jun Liu, Qinglong Meng, Wenke Wang. Characteristics of bacterial and fungal aerosols during the autumn haze days in Xian,China. Atmospheric Environment, 2015, 122: 439-447.
[10]Wen H., Li Y.P., Shen Z., Ren X., Zhang W., Liu J. Surface characteristics of microalgae and their effects on harvesting performance by air flotation. Int. J. Agric. & Biol. Eng., 2017, 10: 125-133.
[11]Yanpeng Li*, Rui Lu, Wanxin Li, Zhengsheng Xie, Ying Song. Concentrations and size distributions of viable bioaerosols under various weather conditions in a typical semi-arid city of Northwest China. Journal of Aerosol Science, 2017, 106: 83–92.
[12]Zhengsheng Xie, Yanpeng Li*, Rui Lu, Wanxin Li, Chunlan Fan, Pengxia Liu, Jinlong Wang, Wenke Wang. Characteristics of total airborne microbes at various air quality levels. Journal of Aerosol Science, 2018, 116: 57-65.
[13]Zhou Shen, Yanpeng Li*, Hao Wen, et al. Investigation on the role of surfactants in bubble-algae interaction in flotation harvesting of Chlorella vulgaris. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1):247-256.
[14]Xiaotong Zou, Yanpeng Li*, Kaiwei Xu, et al. Microalgae Harvesting by Buoy-bead Flotation Process Using Bioflocculant as Alternative to Chemical Flocculant. Algal Research, 2018, 32:233-240.
[15]Rui Lu, Yanpeng Li*, Wanxin Li, Zhengsheng Xie, Chunlan Fan, Pengxia Liu, Shunxi Deng. Bacterial community structure in atmospheric particulate matters of different sizes during the haze days in Xi'an, China. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 637-638: 244-252.
[16]Kaiwei Xu,Yanpeng Li*, Xiaotong Zou, Hao Wen, Zhou Shen, Xiangying Ren. Investigating microalgae cell-microsphere interactions during microalgae harvesting by ballasted dissolved air flotation through XDLVO theory. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 137(9): 294-304.
[17]Hao Wen, Zhou Shen, Xiangying Ren, Xiaotong Zou, Kaiwei Xu, Yanpeng Li*. Mechanism of aluminum sulfate and chitosan for harvesting microalgae via flocculation. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2018, 27(8): 5493-5501.
[18]Yanpeng Li*, Chunlan Fan, Maiqi Xiang, Pengxia Liu, Feifei Mu, Qinglong Meng,Wenke Wang. Short-term variations of indoor and outdoor radon concentrations in a typical semi-arid city of Northwest China. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2018, 1-10.
[19]Kaiwei Xu, Xiaotong Zou, Hao Wen, Yating Xue, Shuangfeng Zhao, Yanpeng Li*. Buoy-bead flotation harvesting of the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris using surface-layered polymeric microspheres: A novel approach. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 267: 341-346.
[20]Xie Zhengsheng, Chunlan Fan, Rui Lu, Pengxia Liu, Beibei Wang, Shengli Du, Cheng Jin, Shunxi Deng, Yanpeng Li*. Characteristics of ambient bioaerosols during haze episodes in China: A review, Environmental Pollution, 2018, 243: 1930-1942.
[21]Xiaotong Zou, Kaiwei Xu, Hao Wen, Yating Xue, Shuangfeng Zhao, Wenwen Xie, Yanpeng Li*. A novel method to recover microalgae by compound buoyant-bead flotation, Separation and Purification Technology, 2018, 211: 658-666.
[23]李婉欣,路瑞,谢铮胜,王金龙,范春兰,刘鹏霞,李彦鹏.西安市秋冬季不同空气质量下可培养微生物气溶胶浓度和粒径分布. 环境科学,2017,38(11):4494-4500.
[24]张文君,沈洲,黄佳,刘珺,李彦鹏.疏水性对小球藻气浮采收效率影响的实验研究.可再生能源, 2017, 35(2):173-178.
[25]扶娟,赵钺,刘珺,徐开伟,李彦鹏.基于碱液预处理的泡沫浮选法分离PVC/PET.环境工程学报, 2017, 11(11):6137-6141.
[26]沈洲,文豪,任香萤,刘珺,杨利伟,李彦鹏.能源微藻表面特性对其气浮采收效率的影响[J].过程工程学报, 2018,18(2):441-446.
[27]邹小彤,徐开伟,文豪,任香莹,沈洲,李彦鹏.能源微藻的无泡采收新方法及其性能[J].过程工程学报, 2018,18(4):872-878.
[1] 李彦鹏,孟庆龙,刘艳艳,朱婷婷,田野.2013.气液两相泡状流中气泡的识别及测量装置,CN201220174098.9,中国.(实用新型)
[2] 田野,李彦鹏,孟庆龙. 2013.高浓度分散相多相流中的气泡识别及测量装置,CN201220335382.X,中国.(实用新型)
[3] 李彦鹏,张海峰,何金辉,赵钺. 2014.一种处理含油废水的气浮装置,ZL201320893182.0,中国. (实用新型)
[4] 何金辉,李彦鹏.一种处理含油废水的气浮装置,ZL201320893182.0,中国.(实用新型)
[5] 李彦鹏,沈洲,任香萤,文豪等. 2016. 一种基于微藻表面特性的微藻浮选效率预测装置,CN201720124009.2,中国.(实用新型)
[6] 李彦鹏,文豪,刘珺,沈洲等. 2016. 一种塑料浮选起泡剂的筛选方法, 201710092743.X,中国.(发明)
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[2] “多环芳烃污染土壤的表面活性剂增效修复技术与机理研究”,国土资源部退化及未利用土地整治工程重点实验室开放基金(SXDJ2017-6),2017 -2018.
[3] “在用重型柴油车尾气后处理技术研究与示范”,陕西省科技统筹创新计划项目(2016KTZDSF-02-01),2017-2019.
[4] “关中城市群大气污染联防联控体系建立与应用”,国家重点研发计划重点专项(2017YFC0212206),2017-2019.
[5] “绿色浮选及其能源化应用”,中央高校基本科研业务专项(创新团队项目,310829163406),2016-2017.
[6] “西安市大气细颗粒物中微生物组成、浓度与来源研究”,中央高校基本科研业务专项(高新技术项目,310829172001),2017-2018.