姓 名: |
李一平 |
出生年月: |
1959年4月 |
职 称: |
副教授 国际博士生导师 |
李一平,男,1959年4月生,广州大学中法旅游学院副教授,国际博士生导师。兼任香港学术及职业资历评审局特聘旅游学评审专家,《Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change/旅游与文化变迁 (SSCI国际旅游学术期刊)》编委,《Journal of China Tourism Research/中国旅游研究(香港理工大学主持国际旅游学术期刊)》编委,发表学术论文30余篇。
1.Li, Y. (2011). Seeking the Sacred from the Profane: A Phenomenology of Tourists’ Travel Experiences. Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-8443-0177-9
Li, Y. (2004). Tourism in China. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 2: 69-71. ISSN: 1476-6825
1.Li, Y 2006. Contradictions of modernization in China and the implications for community tourism development. [in print, Tourism Management: New Research, eds., T. V. Liu and F. Columbus, New York: Nova Publishers. ISBN: 1-60021-058-9
2.Li, Y. 1998. A phenomenology of travel experience. In Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research, ed. K. S. Chon & C. B. Mok, pp. 208-217). Houston, USA: University of Houston, Conrad N. Hilton College.
3.Li, Y. & Butler, R.W. 1997. Sustainable tourism and cultural attractions: A comparative experience. In Pacific Rim Tourism, ed.,.M. Oppermann, pp. 106-116. UK: Cab International.
4.Hinch, T. and Li, Y. 1995. Developing cultural tourism in China: Opportunities and challenges. In Reducing the Barriers to International Tourism, ed., F. Go, W. Theobald & H. Qu, pp. 80-87. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
1)*Lau, C. and **Li, Y. (2019). Analyzing the effects of an urban food festival: A place theory approach. Annals of Tourism Research. [upcoming in 74 (2019): 43 – 55, 2015 SSCI Impact Factor: 2.71 ISSN: 0160-7383]
2)*Zhang, H. and **Li, Y. (2018). Tourism and China’s ethnic rurality: A tale of two villages. Anthropological Notebooks. 24 (1): 23 – 39. [2017 SSCI Impact Factor: 0.281 ISSN: 1408-032X]
3)*Kwong, C. and Li, Y. (2017). In-place or out-of-place? Host-guest encounter under ‘One Country, Two Systems’ [in-print, forth-coming in Current Issues in Tourism. DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2017.1398218, 2015 - 16 SSCI Impact Factor: 1.51]
4) *Vong, T. N. L., Lai, K. and Li, Y. (2016). Sense of place: Affective link missing between casino impact perception and support for casino development. Asia-Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 21 (No. Suplement 1): 76 – 100 [2015 – 16 SSCI Impact Factor: 1.82 DOI: 10.1080/10941665.2015.1008528]
5) *Vong, T. N. L., Lai, K. and Li, Y. (2015) The influence of casino impact perception on sense of place: A study of casino-liberalized Macao, China China. Asia-Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 20 (8): 920 – 940. [2015 – 16 SSCI Impact Factor: 1.82 DOI: 10.1080/10941665.2014.946938]
6) *Lau, C. and Li, Y. (2015) Producing a sense of meaningful place: Evidence from a cultural festival in Hong Kong. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change13 (1): 56 – 77. [2015 SSCI Impact Factor: 0.31 ISSN: 1476-6825]
7) *Lai, K. and Li, Y. (2014) Image impact of planned special events. Event Management 18 (4): 111 – 126. SSCI Impact Factor: 1.11, ISSN 1525-9951]
8) Lai, K. and Li, Y. (2012) Roles of mega-events in destination transformation: Proposing a conceptual model. International Journal of Business and Management Studies. 1: 291-306. ISSN: 2158-1479
9) *Lai, K. and Li, Y. (2012) Core-periphery structure of destination image: Concept, evidence, and implication. Annals of Tourism Research 39 (3): 1359 – 1379. [2013-14 SSCI Impact Factor: 3.41 ISSN: 0160-7383]
10) Li, Y. and Hu, Z. Y. (2011). Communist identity in China: A case study of Red Tourism. International Journal of Arts and Sciences 4: 55 – 73. ISSN: 1944-6934
11) *Li, Y. and Luk, Y. M. (2011). Impacts of the 4th East Asian games on residents’ participation in leisure sports and physical activities – the case of Macau, China. Acta geographica Slovenica 51: 377-390. [2011-12 SSCI Impact Factor: 1.73 ISSN: 1581-6613]
12) *Li, Y., Hu, Z. Y., and Zhang, C. Z. (2010). Red tourism: Sustaining communist identity in a rapidly changing China. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 8: 101 – 119. [2010-11 SSCI Impact Factor: 0.58 ISSN: 1476-6825]
13) Zhang Qiu H, Qi, Y., and Li Y. (2009). Understanding the mechanism of zero-commission Chinese outbound package tours: Evidence from case studies. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 21: 713-733. ISSN: 0959-6119
14) Li, Y. and Hu, Z. Y. (2008) Red tourism in China. Journal of China Tourism Research 4: 156-171. [SSCI Impact Factor: 1.12 ISSN: 1938-8160]
15) *Li, Y., Lai, K. and Feng, X. (2007). Problem of ‘guanxi’ for actualizing community tourism: A case study of relationship networking in China. Tourism Geographies 9: 115-138. [SSCI Impact Factor: 3.64 ISSN: 1470-1340 1461-6688]
16) *Lai, K. Li, Y. and Feng, X. (2006). Gap between tourism planning and implementation: A case of China. Tourism Management 27: 1171-1180. [SSCI Impact Factor: 5.37 ISSN: 0261-5177]
17) Li, Y. and Lo, L. P. (2005). Opportunities and constraints of heritage tourism in Hong Kong's changing cultural landscape. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research 5: 322-345. ISSN: 1467-3584
18) *Li, Y. and Lo, L. P. (2004). Applicability of “Market Appeal and Robusticity Matrix”: A case of heritage tourism development. Tourism Management 25: 789-800. [SSCI Impact Factor: 5.37 ISSN: 0261-5177]
19) *Li, Y. (2004). Exploring community tourism in China: The case of Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 12: 175-193. [SSCI Impact Factor: 4.21 ISSN: 1747-7646 0966-9582]
20) *Li, Y. (2003) Development of Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone in Hainan, China: Achievements made and issues to be resolved. Tourism Geographies 5: 436-445. [SSCI Impact Factor: 3.64 ISSN: 1470-1340 1461-6688]
21) Li, Y.(2003). Heritage tourism: Contradictions between conservation and change. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research 4: 247-261. ISSN: 1467-3584
22) *Li, Y. (2002). The impact of tourism in China on local communities. Asian Studies Review 26: 472-486. [SSCI Impact Factor: 0.46 ISSN: 1467-8403 1035-7823]
23) *Li, Y. (2000). Geographical consciousness and tourism experience. Annals of Tourism Research 27: 863-883. [SSCI Impact Factor: 3.45 ISSN: 0160-7383]
24) *Li, Y. (2000). Ethnic tourism: A Canadian experience. Annals of Tourism Research 27: 115-131. Oxfrod: Elsevier Science. [SSCI Impact Factor: 3.45 ISSN: 0160-7383]
25) Li, Y. (1998). Situated learning, tourism, and the global peace. The Canadian Journal of Peace Research 30: 83-100. ISSN: 0008-4697
26) *Li, Y. and Hinch, T. (1997). Ethnic tourism attractions and their prospect for sustainable development at two sites in China and Canada. Asia-Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 2: 5-18. [SSCI Impact Factor: 1.82 ISSN: 1741-6507 1094-1665]
国际学术会议论文 – 最近五年选集
1)Lau, C. and Li, Y.. (2018). Island dynamics: A sase of island cruise tourism in Hong Kong. “Islands. Resource. Tourism. Society (IRTS2018) – Island Dynamics 2018 Sustainable Development under globalization and new Urbanization International Conference [2018可持续发展下的海岛全球化与新型城市化国际论坛] 中国浙江舟山2018 九月25至28日
2)Wang, Z. and Li, Y.. (2018). Case study of island tourism: A place theories approach. “Islands. Resource. Tourism. Society (IRTS2018) – Island Dynamics 2018 Sustainable Development under globalization and new Urbanization International Conference [2018可持续发展下的海岛全球化与新型城市化国际论坛] 中国浙江舟山2018 九月25至28日。
3)Li, Y. and Wu, H.Y. (2017). UNESCO world heritage and tourism: A stakeholder engagement analysis. ICBTS “International Academic Multidisciplinary Research Conference”. June 7 – 9, 2017, Amsterdam, Holland
4)Li, Y. (2017). Tourism development and its commodification of the historical shanghai. International Journal of Arts & Sciences’ (IJAS) “International Conference for Social Sciences and Humanities”. May 29 – June 1, 2017. Catania, Sicily, Italy.
5)Li, Y. and Kwong, Y. M. (2015). Perception of local residents and mainland China visitors in sharing leisure space of Hong Kong. “Anthropology of Tourism – Heritage and Perspectives Conference”. May 31 – June 2, 2015, Krakow, Poland.
6)Li, Y. (2015). Conservation vs. change: Is there a balance of power? “International Academic Conference on Law, Politics and Management (IACLPM 2015)”, May 27 -29, Vilnius, Lithuania.
7)Li, Y. (2014). Effects of world heritage inscription on vernacular tourism: A case study of China. “TCSSE International Conference of Social Science and Education”. August 4 – 6, 2014. Cornell University, New York, USA
8)Law, Y. M. and Li, Y. (2013). Producing a sense of meaningful place: Evidence from a cultural festival in Hong Kong. “Critical Tourism Studies Conference”. June 25 – 27, 2013, Sarajevo, Bosnia
9)Li, Y. and Lai, K. (2012). Core-periphery structure of destination image: Concept, evidence and implication. International Journal of Arts & Sciences’ (IJAS) “International Conference for Academic Disciplines”. May 27 -31, 2012. Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.