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智库专家 唐盛
姓    名: 唐盛
出生年月: 1989年3月
职    称: 副教授 硕士生导师
研究方向: 环境污染物的分析与检测
    唐盛,男,1989年3月生,江苏科技大学副教授,硕士生导师,2011年本科毕业于南京大学,2016年博士毕业于新加坡国立大学,现任职于江苏科技大学环境与化学工程学院,兼任镇江市侨联青年委员会副主任,淮安市金湖县发改委副主任,金湖县企业专家组成员。长期从事环境污染物与食品分析检测方向的研究,目前主持国家自然科学青年基金,江苏省自然科学青年基金,江苏省高校自然科学面上基金,江苏省留学回国人员创新创业项目,江苏科技大学人才引进基金等5项;2017年度江苏科技大学新兴科技创新团队负责人;参与国家自然科学基金1项,新加坡自然科学基金2项;2017年入选江苏省双创博士,2018年入选江苏科技大学青年学者计划培养对象。近5年来在Analytical Chemistry, Analytica Chimica Acta, TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry等SCI期刊发表论文20余篇(其中一区论文4篇,ESI高被引1篇)。长期担任ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Analytica Chimica Acta,Journal of Chromatography A,Microchemical Journal等杂志审稿人,被Elsevier评为2016年杰出审稿人。


[1] Tang Sheng, Lee Hian Kee. Application of dissolvable layered double hydroxides as sorbent in dispersive solid-phase extraction and extraction by co-precipitation for the determination of aromatic acid anions, Analytical Chemistry 85 (2013) 7426-7433. (SCI一区,IF: 6.3)
[2] Tang Sheng, Chia Guo Hui, Chang Yuepeng, Lee Hian Kee. Automated dispersive solid-phase extraction using dissolvable Fe3O4-layered double hydroxide core-shell microspheres as sorbent, Analytical Chemistry 86 (2014) 11070-11076. (SCI一区,IF: 6.3)
[3] Tang Sheng, Lin Xuan Hao, Li Sam Fong Yau, Lee Hian Kee, In-syringe dispersive solid-phase extraction using dissolvable layered double oxide hollow spheres as sorbent followed by high-performance liquid chromatography for determination of 11 phenols in river water, Journal of Chromatography A 1373 (2014) 31-39. (SCI二区,IF: 3.9)
[4] Tang Sheng, Chia Guo Hui, Lee Hian Kee. Magnetic core–shell iron(II,III) oxide@layered double oxide microspheres for removal of 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid from aqueous solutions, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 437 (2015) 316-323. (SCI二区,IF: 4.2)
[5] Tang Sheng, Chang Yuepeng, Chia Guo Hui, Lee Hian Kee. Selective extraction and release using (EDTA-Ni)-layered double hydroxide coupled with catalytic oxidation of 3,3’,5,5’-tetramethylbenzidine for sensitive detection of copper ion. Analytica Chimica Acta 885 (2015) 106-113. (SCI二区,IF: 5.0)
[6] Tang Sheng, Zhang Hong, Lee Hian Kee. Advances in sample extraction. Analytical Chemistry 88 (2016) 228-249. (SCI一区,IF: 6.3,  ESI 高被引)
[7] Tang Sheng, Lee Hian Kee. Syringe needle-based sampling coupled with liquid-phase extraction for determination of the three-dimensional distribution of L-ascorbic acid in apples. Food Chemistry 199 (2016) 533-540. (SCI二区,IF: 4.5)
[8]Yu Guiyun, Shen Ming, Wang Meng, Shen Li, Dong Wenhao, Tang Sheng, Zhao Li, Qi Zhe, Xue Nianhua, Guo Xuefeng, Ding Weiping, Hu Bingwen, Peng Luming. Probing local structure of layered double hydroxides with 1H solid-state NMR spectroscopy on deuterated samples. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 5(2) (2014) 363-369. (SCI一区,IF: 9.3)
[9] Tang Sheng, Chang Yuepeng, Shen Wei, Lee Hian Kee. Selective extraction by dissolvable (nitriloacetic acid-nickel)-layered double hydroxide coupled with reaction with potassium thiocyanate for sensitive detection of iron(III). Talanta 154 (2016) 416-422. (SCI二区,IF: 4.2)
[10] Shen Wei, Sun Jun, Shi Lei, Tang Sheng*, Lee Hian Kee*. Needle-based sampling coupled with colorimetric reaction catalyzed by layered double hydroxide peroxidase mimic for rapid detection of the change of D-glucosed level in banana. Analytica Chimica Acta 1001 (2018) 845-856 (SCI二区,IF: 5.1)
[11] Sun Jun, Li Yana, Chen Chengbo, Qi Tong, Xia Dasha, Mao Wei, Yang Tongyi, Chen Lizhuang*, Shen Wei*, Tang Sheng*.  Magnetic Ni/Fe layered double hydroxide nanosheets as enhancer for DNA hairping sensitive detection of miRNA. Talanta 187(2018) 265-271. (SCI二区,IF: 4.2)
[12] Tang Sheng, Sun Jun, Li Yana, Xia Dasha, Qi Tong, Liu Kai, Deng Huimin, Shen Wei, Lee Hian Kee. pH-dependent selective ion exchange based on (ethylenediamintetraacetic acid-nickel)-layered double hydroxide to catalyze the polymerization of aniline for detection of Cu2+ and Fe3+. Talanta 187(2018) 287-294.(SCI二区,IF: 4.2)
[13] Shen Wei, Li Yana, Qi Tong, Wang Suncheng, Sun Jun, Deng Huimin, Lu Hongfei, Chen Chuanxiang, Chen Lizhuang*, Tang Sheng*. Fluorometric determination of zinc(II) by using DNAzyme-modified magnetic microbeads. Microchimica Acta 185(2018) 447. (SCI二区,IF: 5.7)
[14] Tang Sheng, Qi Tong, Ansah Pince Dim, Nalouzebi Fouemina Juliette Chancellevie, Shen Wei, Basheer Chanbasha, Lee Hian Kee*, Single-drop microextraction. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 108(2018) 306-313. (SCI二区,IF: 7.0)
[15] Liu Yu, Jing Zefeng, Zhang Tao*, Chen Qiuyun, Qiu Fengxian*, Peng Yinxian, Tang Sheng, Fabrication of functional biomass carbon aerogels derived from sisal fibers for application in selenium extraction. Food and Bioproducts Processing 111(2018) 93-103. (SCI 三区, IF: 2.7)
[1] Tang Sheng, Selective ion exchange using LDHs for detection of metal ions, 2017 International Congress on Analytical Science, Haikou, China, 2017.5.5-5.8 (Poster)
[2] Tang Sheng, In-syringe extraction using graphene aerogels as sorbent, 17th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Microscale Separation and Analysis, Shanghai, China, 2017.11.10-11.13 (Invited Speaker)
[3] 唐盛, DNA发卡结构增强磁性镍铁水滑石类过氧化物酶性质用于检测微RNA第31届中国化学会年会,2018年5月4-8日,杭州,中国。(Poster)
[4] 唐盛,超微量食品检测技术,苏台现代农业与生物科技论坛,2018年11月7-10日,淮安,中国。(受邀主旨演讲)
[5] Tang Sheng, Extraction technique based on layered double hydroxides, 3rd Caparica Christmas Conference on Sample Treatment, Caparica, Portugal, 2018.12.3-12.6 (Invited Speaker)
(8)2011-2017,Advanced methodologies for assessing occurrences of contaminants of emerging concern in water,S$4,685,207,National Research Foundation, Singapore/Environment and Water Industry Programme Office/Public Utilities Board,参与
(9)2011-2013,Onsite microscale sample preparation of aqueous matrices for the determination of environmental contaminants particularly pharmaceuticals and personal care products by gas and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry,S$1,344,600,National Research Foundation, Singapore/Environment and Water Industry Programme Office/Public Utilities Board,参与
(1)2017年 江苏省“双创博士”(世界名校类)
(2)2018年 江苏科技大学“青年学者计划”第二层次资助对象