姓 名: |
李捷 |
职 称: |
教授,硕士生导师 |
出生年月: |
1972年9月 |
研究方向: |
环境生态学 |
1. Li J, et al. Effects of single and mixed diatom diets on the reproduction of copepod Calanus sinicus. Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica 2006 34 (1): 117-125 (SCI 收录)
2. Li J, et al. Effects of different diets on the reproduction and naupliar development of the copepod Acartia bifilosa. J of Exper Marine Bio and Ecology 2008. 355(2):95-102 (SCI 收录)
3. Li J, et al. Development of circulating microbial BOD analyzer. Journal of Biotechnology 2008. V136s: 1677 (SCI 收录)
4. LI Jie, Yangruibing, chenkun. Mediated microbial biosensor using Bacillus subtilis for wastewater BOD measurement. Biotechnology: An Indian Journal. 2013. 8(2) 255-259 (EI 收录) 山东环境科学学会2013年度环境保护优秀论文一等奖
5. LI Jie, Yongqiang LI, Guowei ZHANG A novel design of BOD biosensor based on immobilized microbial biosensor. Key Engineering Materials. 2011. Vols. 316-320 (EI 收录)
6. 4 .Li Jie, Liang Y, Zhang G. The effect of fatty acids produced by marine microalgae in different culturing phase on reproduction of Calanus sinicus. IITA-GRS 2010. Vol 2: 448-451 (EI 收录)
7. Li J, et al. An efficient Microbial Membrane With Bacillus subtilis Applied in BOD biosensor. The 3rd International Conference On Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. 2009 (iCBBE 2009)VOL IV (EI 收录)
8. Li J, et al. Inhibition of diatom diet on the reproduction of Paracalanus parvus. The 3rd International Conference On Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. 2009 (iCBBE 2009)VOL VI (EI 收录)
9. Li J, et al. Effects of diatom on the reproduction of copepod Oithona similes. The 3rd International Conference On Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. 2009 (iCBBE 2009)VOL IV(EI 收录)
10. LI Jie, Le Zhang, Yanjuan Liang, Zehao Liu, Yongqiang Li. The effects of red tide algae in different culturing phase on the production of calanus sinicus. Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health 2010.vol 2:754-757 (ISTP 收录)
1.国家自然科学基金:胶州湾海域硅藻优势种及其次级代谢产物对桡足类种群动态的影响 (No. 40706049) 1/6
2.建设部开发研究项目:便携式全自动BOD生物传感分析仪的研制 (No.05-K2-6) 1/5
4.山东省自然科学基金项目:胶州湾浮游植物、桡足类优势种对海洋酸化的生物响应机制研究 (No. ZM2013DM003)1/7
5.山东省重点研发项目:BOD传感检测仪的研制 (2018GSF117012)1/5
6.国家海洋软科学研究课题:海岸带蓝色碳汇计量方法与增汇潜力研究 1/5
7.江苏省科技“双创”项目:BOD生物传感器生物膜的研制 (A2017-121) 1/3
8.水利部公益性行业计划项目子课题1:平原水库富营养化防治关键技术研究(No. 200901063)1/2
9.环境科学专业硕士研究生培养模式改革研究,山东省教育厅(sdyc10022) 1/7
10.胶州湾硅藻与桡足类相互作用研究. 国家海洋局 (No.MESE-2007-03) 1/5
11.培养中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)实验室种群的研究,中国水产科学研究院,1/4(No.K05-03)
1.李捷,孙松,李超伦,桡足类种群室内培养装置(国家发明专利: CN 200510044400)
2.李捷,李洛娜,张乐,梁彦娟,一种浮游动物培养装置。(国家发明专利: 2011.8 中国ZL. 2008 1 0014749.6)
3.李捷,李洛娜,张乐,梁彦娟: 一种生物传感器. (实用新型专利:ZL. 200820022228) 1/3
4.李捷,王媛媛,杨帆,于淑亭:可调节水体二氧化碳浓度的培养装置(实用新型专利:ZL. 20162338950.X)
5.2014年获山东省首届大学生科技创新竞赛二等奖 优秀指导教师
6.2015年获山东省大学生环境科技竞赛一等奖 优秀指导教师