智库专家 尤学一
姓 名: |
尤学一 |
职 称: |
教授 博士生导师 |
出生年月: |
1964年8月 |
研究方向: |
生态环境评估与修复、智慧城市、绿色建筑、废弃物资源化 |
(1) Weixue Cao, Fengguo Liu, Xueyi You(尤学一), The Prediction of Heat Efficiency and Pollutant Emission of Non-rated Load Condensing Heat Exchangers, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, Vol.20(10), 2299-2310, 2018.
(2) Xueyi You(尤学一)and Chunxue Zhang, On real-time risk evaluation of accident in water quality control zone, Ecological Indicators, Vol. 93, October, 123–128, 2018.
(3) Wei Liu, Xueyi You(尤学一), Transportation of Influenza Virus around Buildings in Natural Wind Field, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Vol.27(5A), 3245-3251, 2018.
(4) Xue-Yi You(尤学一), Chun-Xue Zhang, On improvement of water quality of reservoir by optimizing water exchange, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, Vol.37(1), 399-409, 2018.
(5) Chun-Xue Zhang, Xue-Yi You(尤学一), Application of EFDC model to grading the eutrophic state of reservoir: Case study in Tianjin Erwangzhuang Reservoir, China, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, Vol.11(1), 111-126, 2017.
(6) Weixue Cao, Xue-yi You(尤学一), The inverse optimization of exhaust hood by using intelligent algorithms and CFD simulation, Powder Technology, Vol. 315, 282–289, 2017.
(7) Ting Xu. Xue-yi You(尤学一), Numerical simulation of suspended sediment concentration by 3D coupled wave-current model in the Oujiang River Estuary, China, Continental Shelf Research, Vol.137, 13-24, 2017.
(8) Zhang T., You X.(尤学一), The use of genetic algorithm and self-updating artificial neural network for the inverse design of cabin environment, Indoor and Built Environment, Vol.26(3), 347-356, 2017.
(9) Meng-Ling Guan, Ting Zhang, Xue-Yi You(尤学一), Ecological rehabilitation prediction of enhanced key-food-web offshore restoration technique by wall roughening, Ocean & Coastal Management, Vol. 128, August, 1–9, 2016.
(10) Wen-Cui Ma, Xue-Yi You(尤学一), Numerical simulation of plant-microbial remediation for petroleum polluted soil, Soil and Sediment Contamination, Vol.25(7), 727-738, 2016
(1) 油烟高效分离与烟气净化关键技术与设备,大气污染成因与控制技术研究专项,2017-2020年。
(2) 天津中心城区海绵城市建设运行管理技术体系构建与示范,水体污染控制与治理重大专项,2017-2019年。
(3) 海绵城市建设与黑臭水体治理关键技术研究与综合示范,天津市科委技术创新引导专项(基金) 计划,2017-2018年。
(4) 白洋淀库区水交换与水质预测的数值模拟研究,河北省水利水电勘测设计研究院,2018-2019年。
(5) 大黑汀水库调水水质保障和调水方法研究,天津市水利科学研究院,2018-2019年。
(6) 固原市海绵城市专项规划--排水防涝模型构建与模拟,中国城市规划设计研究院,2017-2018年。
(7) 海口南国明珠生态岛区域建设用海规划,三平环保咨询有限公司,2016-2017。
(8) 海河干流水环境质量改善关键技术与综合示范,水体污染控制与治理重大专项,2014-2017年。
(9) 大型客机座舱内空气环境控制的科学问题研究,国家重点基础研究计划973项目,2012-2016年。